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Janmashtami Commemorative Meditation | 2020 SRF Online World Convocation | August 12

Schwester Preeti

On the sacred day of Janmashtami—the celebration of the birth of Bhagavan Krishna—Self-Realization Fellowship nun Sister Preeti leads a commemorative meditation and delivers a talk on the life of Sri Krishna as part of the 2020 Convocation, a free weeklong immersion in the teachings of Paramahansa Yogananda. This event will take place as part of the Day 3 (Tuesday) schedule for Convocation.

Sister Preeti will tell stories from and speak about the significance of the life of Bhagavan Krishna, whose teachings are one of the pillars of the SRF/YSS path. This special event will include periods of meditation and devotional kirtan chanting.

The 2020 Self-Realization Fellowship World Convocation is a week of online classes, meditations, virtual pilgrimages to ashram centers where Yogananda lived, kirtans (devotional chanting), and more—offering all seekers of higher consciousness and balanced spiritual living a unique experience of peace and joy.

This year SRF is honoring the 100th anniversary of Yogananda’s arrival in the West and the beginning of his worldwide work. In celebration of this milestone, the 2020 Convocation—a truly worldwide event—is being offered to all for free.

Paramahansa Yogananda viewed the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons as the very core of the teachings he was ordained to bring to the world as a special spiritual dispensation for the coming global civilization.

To learn more and apply for the SRF Lessons: https://yogananda.org/lessons

To read the ebook of “God Talks With Arjuna,” Yogananda’s translation of and commentaries on the Bhagavad Gita: https://bookstore.yogananda-srf.org/p...

In her talk, Sister Preeti speaks of how—as part of his God-ordained mission in coming to the West—Paramahansa Yogananda taught the underlying harmony and unity of the teachings of Krishna and Christ. To read the ebook of Yogananda’s “The Yoga of Jesus”: https://bookstore.yogananda-srf.org/p...

If you would like to support the spiritual and humanitarian work of SRF, please click on this link: https://donatesrf.org

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