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Life in the Ashram (SRF Monks) | 2020 SRF Online World Convocation

Brother Sevananda

#SRFConvocation #Yogananda #AshramLife This class, given by SRF monk Brother Sevananda, will provide a glimpse into the life of being an SRF monk, one who has dedicated himself to monastic discipline and meditation, prayer, and service to Paramahansa Yogananda’s worldwide mission. It will also give eligible male devotees the chance to consider whether a life in the ashrams of Self-Realization Fellowship might be for them.

This class on the life of the SRF monk will conclude with a short video that takes one further into the daily life and experience of those who are striving to follow, outwardly and inwardly, in the footsteps of our Guru on the path of outer as well as inner renunciation.

This event is part of the Day 6 (Thursday) schedule for the 2020 SRF World Convocation, a weeklong program of classes on Paramahansa Yogananda’s “how-to-live” teachings and meditation techniques, online guided group meditations and kirtans (devotional chanting), virtual pilgrimage tours to the ashrams where the great guru lived and communed with God, and more.

This year SRF is honoring the 100th anniversary of Yogananda’s arrival in the West and the beginning of his worldwide work.

Paramahansa Yogananda viewed the Self-Realization Fellowship Lessons as the very core of the teachings he was ordained to bring to the world as a special spiritual dispensation for the coming global civilization. To learn more and apply for the SRF Lessons:

If you wish to contact us about monastic life:


If you would like to support the spiritual and humanitarian work of SRF, please click on this link:



